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Dispute Resolution Secretariat (Tribunal)

Fee for Service Program


The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada is funded by Sport Canada to resolve disputes at the national level of the Canadian sport system.  Because disputes arise at all levels of the sport system, the SDRCC wishes to extend the delivery of its dispute resolution services to all members of the sport community.

Athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, sport clubs and associations cannot afford to take all of their sports-related disputes to civil courts, which are costly, take a great deal of time, and often provide unsatisfactory outcomes. Disputes that are not resolved properly unduly drain the resources of volunteer-based sport organizations, damage relationships within the sport community, and cause participants to quit sport prematurely.

The advantages of using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for sport are as follows:

  • Resolving conflicts quickly, effectively and efficiently, in particular where an athlete's entitlement to compete is at stake;
  • Less costly than traditional courts of justice;
  • Resolution methods that promote the preservation or improvement of relationships between the parties; and
  • Using trained and experienced mediators and arbitrators who are familiar with the inner workings of the sport system to find realistic and durable solutions.

The SDRCC offers world-class resolution facilitation, mediation, and arbitration services as well as customized dispute prevention education and awareness initiatives.


Dispute Prevention and Education programs and initiatives are free of charge for all members of the Canadian sport community. Please contact our Education and Communication Coordinator to find out what SDRCC can do for you, to book a workshop or to order publications. A description of the SDRCC education and awareness services offered by the SDRCC is available in the Resource Centre section of our website.


  • Resolution Facilitation - This informal process is intended to help parties communicate more effectively, better understand their options, and agree on the real issues at stake in their dispute.  It often serves to resolve a dispute informally before it even needs to go to a formal mediation or arbitration process.
  • Mediation - A professional and neutral third party helps parties find a solution together.
  • Arbitration - A professional and neutral third party hears the evidence and decides for the parties how their conflict should be resolved.
  • Med/Arb – A hybrid process allowing a professional and neutral third party to first help parties find a solution together and, if that fails, hear the evidence and decide for the disputants how their conflict should be resolved.


Dispute Resolution services can be quoted on a case-by-case basis.  Because each case is unique and may require different approaches to resolve it, the SDRCC Tribunal Staff needs to find out more about the dispute before it can provide an estimate of the costs.